Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teeny Tiny Caterpillars

Yesterday we received our caterpillars! We will be taking care of them for the next few weeks, observing their growth, and watching them turn into butterflies. What have you learned about caterpillars? What observations have you made about your caterpillar?


Ryan said...

Yeorday I put mallow in the cup. Then I sqush the mallow. Next I put the calpilor in ther. It was small yeorday an today it is big.I smell the food. I tuch the food. I look at the food.

I lordu if the caterpillar is aliv. I lordu that calilors eat a lot an sleep a lot. I lordu the name of the caterpillars.
I lordu that caterppillars make webs.
Do you have a calpilor to?

Nina said...

Yay! Catipillars are here. We got cups. Then we got food in the cups. Then we had to push the food down. After that we got are catipillars. We got magnetfine glasses to watch it for a while. It was still a baby. I learnd that they sleep alot. If you want to know if they are alive they should have air, water,and food. Would you ever get a catipillar?

Reginald said...

I leard that they poop in there home.They eat slow.The caterpiller grows each night.They turn into a
butterfly afther they get out of
there christalist.When they eat alot they grow.When they get so big they get in the ca coon.

The caterpillar was moving there arms to make there web.The
caterpiller was wigling arond.
I saw the head on the caterpiller.
We all had a good time.

Essiah said...

Yey!!!April 15,2009 we got are caterpiler.When we first got the caterpiler it was as little as a ant.But over night it grow I was so happy.I got to look throw a magnetfine glass when you look throw the magnetfine glass it look big.Thank you Mrs.Foster and Mrs.Arnnet for the caterpilers.
Also they need air and food the water is in the food. Also I leard that they can not be near hot air and cold air or they will die.It is fun being with the caterpilers.

kamryn said...

Today my caterpiller had little web in her cup.She got bigger and she is cluming more.I learnd that she have to have air water and mallow to live.I saw the catapiller.The food looks tan and brown.The caterpiller is little and it has sharp spikes.

Natalie said...

Yay! We have are own caterpillar. My caterpillar is black and spiky her food is mallow it smells bad. We have them rightnow we got them in 1/15/09 and in April too. Do you know that they grow each night? They use there hands to make a web. This is something you have to know they go to the bathroom there thingy looked like a hairball that is all I know.

Tyrerse said...

Yeyy!!! We just got our caterpilers. They are cute,small,and cotely. They are called paited ladys. They are black with spikes. They make a criselist to tern into a butterfly. When they are babys they can not see whell. They could climb the side of the cup. In the Winter the butterflys go to the soth like Mexo. I leared that they have true and fake legs.They lay eggs.Thank you Miss.Foster and Miss.Arnett. Have you ever had a caterpiler?

German said...

We have a little caterpillars in they or a baby then we put or hand we put all the food down then we put the caterpillar the name of the food mallow they walk slow then they have alot ov legs they eat to much.

Hasna said...

We have caterpillars. I lread that the food has water and caterpillars make thir own shelter. They make the shelter with spider webs and the caterpillars changes the shape. Of the caterpillars now the size of my caterpill is big and the caterpillars stay in one spot for a long time. The name of the food is mallow. The color of the Caterpillar is black and cind of yellwe. I lread that a caterpillar stay in one spot and I think that a caterpillar moves a lot. I think the caterpill is a girl and. I lreand that there is poinz caterpillars to. I think that a caterpillar is scshee and I got. One caterpillar and it looks like a pees a black thing.

Tyirna said...

Wow! I leraed about caterpillar that they poop,eat,sleep,drink and live too and they got air,weter,food,copshn.They don't moove a lot.They don't hear or look or smell too.

Jade said...

Yesterday we got some calerpelers and we got to named mine Angle the fist time Igot mine it was so small like a puny baby .First we all got a cup then are techers got some calpters food then we had to put are hans in the
cup and push it down afterthat are thchers put some tesheos on the top of the cup . Also we had to put a top on it so the calerpeter dose not get out all of us got a calerpter. I think it is a girle do you now what kind of food a caterpillar eat it east moloen did you now that in the food it got some water and got air in it becuse the naken got holws in it to an that is what I lerened.

Elijah said...

Heray! April we got ower callerpillers. We leaned that water is in there food.The air was in the bottle are redldy. We was checking the callerpillers. Thank you Mrs. Arnett and mrs. Foster. The callerpiller was fat. The food kind of orange.