Friday, March 13, 2009

Science Matters

In science yesterday, what did you learn that everything in the world is made of and what can we group all of those things into? Write about what you learned and give some examples.


Anonymous said...

Wow ! yesterday we lerned about matter. Matter is a solid,liquid, and gas.A gas is something that you
can feel but you cant`t see it.A
liquid is something that it changes
its shape.A solid is a thing that is very hard.A solid can`t change its shape.Do you know what matter is?

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm going tell you about matter are made out of like people,trees,and bugs. We can group them by colors. It can be a solid, liquid, and gas. A solid is somthing that is hard. A liquid is somthing that can change its shape. A gas is like air that you breath in. What did you learn?

Anonymous said...

I learnd about solid liquid gas.I learnd that Matter is in a soilid liquid and a gas.I learnd that Matter is inside evrey thing. I also learnd that Matter can be inside napkins,wood,chairs,people. I learnd that matter can go thrue a solid,liquid,gas.

Anonymous said...

We lrn abot mater.Mater can be anth that you can see.Ther is 3 woer are solid,liquid and gas.Solid is someing thet can be hevy.Liquid is someing that you can grenc sodi and jos.Now ggas is someing that you cant not see liek air you cant not see air.But ther is someing that you can see air so her it isyou thak a butol of cocsa and put water insid the buto and put the lid no it then shak it with 3 pepol for 3 tims then thre on a mash and put it insid of it then get a big braw of pepr and squis the butol and you can see a clawd cone out.

Anonymous said...

I learned mater is all over the word. It is like solid, liquid, gas,. Why does mater is all over the word. Solid is a hard thing and it'sqecky. Liquid is sticky and soft. Gas is soft and cold.

Anonymous said...

What I leard about matter is that is any where in the world.I now three words is solid,liquid,gas.Let me tell you about it gas is kindof like air.Liquid is something that can change it's shape.Solid is somthing that is hard.thats all I now for now.Do You now any thing about Soulid,Liqud,and gas?Well if you don't I can tell you a little bit more.I hope I can learn some more latter.

Anonymous said...

Evry thing is made of Matter.Solid,liqud,and gas. It can be your hear it can be your milk it can be smoke.
If it is a solid it can't change there shape or there form.
Liquds can change there shape or form of its ocntainer.
A gas go evry were around in... a container,class room,a box,a balll,a draw,a base ment eny thing air goes all over the place.
If you take a lemaid bottel of water and shake it a lot. Then you can take a lighted match and put it in to the bottel of warter and push it by the to sides and it will turn in to a gas.

Anonymous said...

A matter is when it is mide about mattetr. To the thengs is about matter is liquid,gas,solid, and a Book is mide about matter. And The ball is mide about matter to in the water is mide about matter. To in air to.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you wate I did lon abte it is solid liqud gas. I suty a bolon bekuz ther is arus in sid it. Then I stod abate a stic bekuz it is a soiid. Next I stod abat a gric bekuzitis a liquid.

Anonymous said...

Hi i'm going to tell you about matters are things that are made out of. There are solid,liquid and gas. Solid are things that are stuff that are hard like wood. Liquid is something like you could change in shape. Gas is something you could muve and I lraend to gruop by color.

Anonymous said...

What did you lern in science well lets talk about that later. Well this is what I lerned in science .I lerned about matter I now the tree things that make matter a solid is something that is hard like a brick and a liqid is like water did you now you have 70 % water in your body ? well guss what I just lerned that today . But now lets move on lets talke about gas did you now that you brethe in a tipe of gas do you now what it is it is colde oxsgen.Did you now that yore close are matter what grup wolde you put it in think abuot it.Have fun whit matter.

Anonymous said...

way i Lert That The werd is made
aoot uv liquid, brick is a solid,
you cat see gaS.

Anonymous said...

Matter is every where around you. Is it? Well it's every where around you isnt everything in the whole wide world! Next i'm going to tell you about solid liqid & gas solid is a hard wood or something. And liqid is water juic a color any color. Gas you can not see it it's air. Thats it.

Anonymous said...

WoW we learn about Matter & Matter is everthing. Matter is a thing that we can us like a tool. Have you tooch Matter befor like have you tooch your mom haer? Do you whunt to learn about Matter with us?

Anonymous said...

Everything is made of matter in
the world . My shirt is made of
matter.Then we lernd anther
word.It's classify . Classify
is when you groop or sort .
When you classify you do it
with solid ,liquid ,gas.

Anonymous said...

Yes! We learned about Science yesterday We learned about solid &liquid & gas. And hear is a solid an solid is hard and scqeeck and an liquid is soth & steeck & a gas is you can't see stharw it.