Friday, September 26, 2008


We have been learning about the four seasons and how the weather changes during each one. What is your favorite season? Why do you like that one the best?


Anonymous said...

My favorite Sersons is Summer.Cus it is hot.You can wher shorts.You can visit are famly.Youcan take long waks.

Anonymous said...

My favrite season is winter.Becuse I can make snow man.I can do a snow fight.I can drink hotcoco.I can eat snow.

Anonymous said...

My favoriwte seas is winter.
Why beacos you get to macke
snow get to mack
ssnow balls.You can macken
snow man.

Anonymous said...

My favorite season is winter becuase it snows.Its my birthday. Its is Crismas to. I can have a snowball fight with my nese.

Anonymous said...

my favrote season is summer.beuyeuoy you can stay at home.and go on water slid and rollercaters.and bubercars.

Anonymous said...

My favorit season is winter becues you can bild a snow man.Ilike winter very much becues it snows a lot.Ilike to make snow angal.I like winter but to soon to fast it ends then came spring.

Anonymous said...

my favit sezn is winter. i like to play sowu bozs. an sayen an mack a sowu man an mack
sowu ajor. it is kull.

Anonymous said...

I like winter bekus whin it snow i like whin the ice cuvrs my haws all cuvrs of snow.Yuo can play snowbollfit on witer. Yuo can mik a big snoman or a liro snoman.Yuo can mik a snow ago

Anonymous said...

I like spring because you wear shorts and skirts and flip flops. I like spring because you get to smell beautiful flowers.i like spring becus thers beautiful clouds.i like spring becus you play games.

Julie said...

I enjoyed seeing how you used your blog with your students. I was concerned about the ability of first graders but I think your 2nd graders are doing a great job.

Larson's Little Loveables said...

My favorite season is spring. Everything is new again and the weather is getting warmer...the promise of summer!